
Strengthen agriculture and livestock production and productivity and enhance associated value and supply chains.

Overview: The pillar seeks to develop scaled-up agropastoralist capacities of the borderlands to enable cheaper and mass production of food products. Critical entry points entail the development of value and supply chain capabilities such as predictive inbound operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, retail, branding and business end management, procurement and purchasing, human capital investment and management, standards and quality assurances and provision of technology hardware.

Investments are required in the analysis of climate and weather patterns, extension services and management, climate-resilient crop types and regenerative agricultural practices such as zero-waste farming and livestock-farm integration, including for the control of diseases and parasites. They also include the cultivation of clusters of independent smallholder agropastoralist groups, cooperatives, the smallholders’ connection to large and lead farming groups, and formalized procurement processes. This also includes providing exceptional support to women groups engaged in agropastoralist practices.

A list of sample activities linked to this pillar:

  • Promote livestock production and productivity of the borderlands communities
  • Strengthen animal health and epidemio-surveillance and control systems for effective diagnosis, control and prevention of livestock diseases.
  • Promoting enabling policy environment for value and supply chain development for agropastoralists and fisherfolks.
  • Promoting research into climate resilient and environmentally friendly agropastoralist products.
  • Reducing gender inequality in the agropastoralist value chain.
  • Support predictive analysis on weather and environmental patterns, conflict-sensitive assessments, viable business pipelines and value chain development.
  • Support borderland communities’ adaptive capacities through enhanced livestock and crop production and productivity and enhanced value chains